The biggest (racing) turnout for Team AC this time, as we had 8 racers in all (including myself, my FIRST cyclocross race ever ;-)
It was cold and foggy, and temperatures were down in the 50’s for most of the day, but the sun peeked out at the end, after the Single-speed race was over.
Lots of photos, and more to come, as Jack French was there doing his usual stellar job, joined by Ken Howard with his camera.
Here are the photos captured on our camera:
As for the results, almost everyone wound up on the podium, except for a couple of us n00bs (me and Claire) but we were happy with our results too…
Junior Men Under 18
Isaiah Rapko – First Place, and First Place for the BASP series!
Junior Men U14
Spence Peterson – First Place - a hard fought race between Spence and Bob, with Spence crossing the finish line 4 seconds ahead of Bob. Spence won the race, and the series, and some nice Schwag including Sheila Moon jacket and hat, and some other goodies.
Bob Siegel – Second Place – he was out there gunning for the win and the series win, and almost had it at the end, but finished with a strong second place (two first places, and three seconds) for the race, and the series. Also some good schwag at the end!
Alex Taylor – Third Place – he rode a good strong race, and finished consistent with the other races, third today, and third for the series.
Skyler Taylor – Fourth Place – looking stronger today than in the past, Skyler powered ahead of the much bigger U14’s and took a solid fourth today, and in the series.
Men’s Masters 45+ B
Blair Peterson – when we talked afterwards, Blair had felt down on power today, so wasn’t happy with his eight place finish, but he took home Fourth Place in the series against a number of strong riders he’s been battling all season long! Looks like it will be Masters A 45+ next season for Blair!
Rich Siegel – I completed the race, and passed some guys during the race, though I was re-passed later. I’m pretty sure I was last, but since I raced Men’s B and not Men’s C, I was very happy with the result. I had a great time doing the race and am looking forward to more in the future!
Special Mentions – to Nicole Taylor and Julia Howard who brought a bounty of sausages, eggs, and other snacks for our hungry group today, to Megan Siegel for doing the same during the past couple of races, to Jack French for his dual skills of photography and grilling, and to ALL the parents of the Team AC boys for all of their tremendous support this season! Really a fun group to hang out with and I look forward to our upcoming Mountain and Road biking seasons in 2009!