Friday, September 3, 2010

Directeur Sportif for ACJR!

I want to fill you in on some team developments as the road and mountain bike season winds down, and we transition to that crazy and well, special for AC, season of cyclocross.

The AC junior athletes have received amazing support over the years from Chad, Kalara and the Above Category Cycling team—we are all very grateful for that. Thanks to our athletes’ successes on the bike (multiple top-5 and top-10 placings at road, mountain AND ‘cross Nationals for example), as well as the strengthening AC brand and franchise, we are starting to get support from others in the cycling community too.

In order to leverage that support to the maximum benefit of the athletes and the sponsors, we are in the process of establishing a non-profit entity to help fund ACJR activities. More on that as it develops.

In the meantime though, the first tangible effect of that support is that we have been able to retain Josh Snead as Directeur Sportif. For those of you that don’t know him, Josh is a very experienced cyclist, mechanic, pro ‘cross racer and former assistant coach of the Redwood HS mtb team. He has the respect of the boys (I think it is mutual!) and a great demeanor. His objectives for the rest of 2010 are to organize a couple training rides per week and provide:
• Safety and race strategy advice
• Mentoring and training plan support
• Keeping it fun & motivational
• Skills work
• Mechanical/bike care advice and training.

After ‘cross season (once he’s not racing), Josh will also provide some of the race logistics (planning, driving, race-day support). For those athletes who are coached by Craig Upton, Craig is aware of Josh’s role, and is going to work with Josh to coordinate the boys’ training plans as much as possible.

Josh will be reaching out to the boys directly to kick things off next week. If you have an questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to let Josh or me know!

In terms of racing, the road season is winding down, with the final Cal Cup race on Monday (Giro do SF) and the Mt. Tam Hill Climb on September 18th. The first team ‘cross race will most likely be BASP #1 (location still TBA) on Sunday October 3rd. More on the ‘cross season and a season opener social event soon.

Thanks and good riding,

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